Friday, 2 July 2010

How to make your conference different in Leicester

1. Venue

Go crazy and book a venue totally different to those typical of a conference. Leicester is home to numerous interesting and unconventional buildings for your conference. Leicester’s buildings range from hotels, restaurants, retail outlets, music stores, craft shops, leisure facilities and outdoor parks all of which could be suitable for a conference.

2. Activity

Why not incorporate an activity into your conference Leicester. This could be a game of some sort or a craft task; this will encourage your attendees to become involved in the conference topic. These could be carried out on an individual or a team level encouraging competitiveness or individuality.

3. Style
conference leicester

Many conferences are boring and attendees spend more energy trying to keep their eyes open than paying attention to what is being presented. To avoid this base your conference around a style or theme. Due to Leicester’s variety of buildings, costume shops and decoration stores, it would be very easy to incorporate this idea into your conference. Not only will this intrigue your attendees but also entice them into listening what you have to say

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